New ASME journals activated
Electronic access to ASME journals has now been activated. To access, please go to ASME jounals. You can also access them from Find an Electronic Journal link. Type 'ASME' in the 'Title' box, select 'Contains' button and click on 'Go'. Journal titles include:
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 1083-4435
Journal of applied mechanics 0021-8936
Journal of biomechanical engineering 0148-0731
Journal of computing and information science in engineering 1530-9827
Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control 0022-0434
Journal of electronic packaging 1043-7398
Journal of energy resources technology 0195-0738
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 0742-4795
Journal of engineering materials and technology 0094-4289
Journal of fluids engineering 0098-2202
Journal of heat transfer 0022-1481
Journal of manufacturing science and engineering 1087-1357
Journal of mechanical design 1050-0472
Journal of offshore mechanics and Arctic engineering 0892-7219
Journal of pressure vessel technology 0094-9930
Journal of solar energy engineering 0199-6231
Journal of tribology 0742-4787
Journal of turbomachinery 0889-504X