Coursecafe - Search, Manage, and Track all of your course work related Internet search in a single place
It is a personalized, academic search and bookmarking, and student collaboration application.
Coursecafe is a personalized, academic search and bookmarking, and student collaboration application and aims at making your coursework fun, easy, and interesting. It provides you - students and faculty, a personalized system, consistent with the way you use the Internet, empowering you to more effectively manage your own education and academic process. CourseCafe provides a single place to manage all of your coursework related research, social bookmarks, ability to collaborate with other students, and to quickly and effectively find relevant and useful information related to coursework and homework topics. In CourseCafe you will find pre-populated lists of Departments and Courses. You can quickly personalize CourseCafe by selecting the courses you are taking this quarter and keep a watch list of courses you plan to take in the next quarters. You can search for content related to your coursework and homework topics, and conduct general research. You can keep track of all your search links with your own comments, and also see search links other students have found useful.
The premier Engineering Village 2 database search is integrated into CourseCafe. Furthermore, you can filter your searches for content that is available only at Drexel, domains, and the entire Web.
See About Coursecafe for more information.
Drexel University faculty and students can register using drexel domain email address at: Register to access CourseCafe. Once you are logged in, click on the Getting Started link for more details on how to use CourseCafe.
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